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Create Love in your relationship

Create Love in your relationship
Create Love in your relationship If you follow the following tips you will have no trouble creating a magical experience out of love. 1.Think always from the perspective of making your partner happy, put your needs in back 2.End an argument as soon a...
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Types of love

Types of love
Types of love To many people, love is tricky and confusing . And to many others, love is just a mirage, They may be in a relationship and still never experience true love . However by definition there could be the following types of love , many of us...
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Why libido in women decreases

Why libido in women decreases
Why libido in women decreases If you do not have any sexual desires or very low desire at the best , the good news is that problems with libido are often temporary. All women's desires for sex is connected with hormonal balance, emotional wellbeing &...
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Why Couple boast on social media about being happy

Why Couple boast on social media about being happy
  Why Couple boast on social media about being happy If you are really happy in your relationship, why in the God's name you would go about advertising it to the world & discuss your relationship on social media. 1. There are using the socia...
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Why conflicts happens & remain unresolved

Why conflicts happens & remain unresolved
Why conflicts happens & remain unresolved Are you living with endless rows, shouting, stonewalling, false blames, name calling , wrong accusations constant fights & arguments. Does your every conversations end by making you both more distant ...
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When not to have major discussions

When not to have major discussions
When not to have major discussions which can turn into major arguments, fights or disputes 1.When either of you are too fatigued 2.When you have not had rest or sleep for long 3.You something else has already made you angry 4.When either of you are u...
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Tips for Fruitful & Meaningful Discussions

Tips for Fruitful & Meaningful Discussions
Tips for Fruitful & Meaningful Discussions First understand the difference between, discussions & arguments those leads to big fights & may ultimately break the relationship. What is Discussion 1.Is to find out what is right 2.Is Not abou...
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Recipe for happy couples

Recipe for happy couples
Recipe for happy couples 1. Make Fun a Priority. 2.Listen with an Open Mind and Heart 3.Strive to Build Intimacy 4. Be kind & Courteous 5.Have a Sense of Partnership 6.Understand & do what make each other happy 7.Make Time for Sex 8.Tell...
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Most common relationship problems

Most common relationship problems
Most common relationship problems  1. Infidelity  2. Getting over being cheated  3. Your cheating your partner  4. Difference on Financial Issues 5. Sexual problems 6. Libido mis-match  7. Personality incompatibility  8....
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Are your unrealistic expectations killing relationship

Are your unrealistic expectations killing relationship
Are your unrealistic expectations killing relationship If you feel that your needs aren't being met from your relationship, then it is a warning sign. It's unrealistic to expect all of your needs to be met by your relationship or marriage. Unrealisti...
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