In this article you will learn the following
-24 Situation, People and Things you must walk-away from
-12 questions to ask yourself - if you are staying in a negative relationship - any of the following reasons [the more often than not could be wrong reasons to stay]
-46 patterns When Walking Away is the best and absolutely right decision and action to take - if you recognize even 5 of them happening regularly - be alert and on your guard [UNLESS it is an abusive-toxic relationship - in which case you must leave immediately]
How and why to walk away from people situation things - Recognizing Patterns to know if you need to walk away
You need to learn - how to walk away from people-situation-things and also from arguments-upsets-regrets-failures-mistakes.
Especially from all those people-situation-things - which make you feel utterly miserable-depressed-melancholic-sad-angry and puts you into highly negative-detrimental-harmful and unresourceful emotional-mental states.
When we talk about walking away - it is not escaping to avoid facing the facts and truths - but creating a distance from all those things - which only poisons your soul, your well-being, your peace of mind and disturbs the balance and tranquility of your life - without giving you any benefits or advantages.
Walking-away is not a sign of weakness and cowardice - on the contrary you need hell of a lot of courage to walk away.
Walking-away from all that makes you what you are not - is needed to gift yourself [and your loved ones] - the happiness- the joys- the liberation- the contentment- the bliss that you need and deserve.
Many of us fall victim to believing how someone acts and behaves - as confirmation of what type of person they are.
Actions are wonderful - but actions can be pre-planned to create specific impressions.
This type of forced and rehearsed-actions will evaporate once the person who wants to hook you gets what they want.
We need to learn to recognize the patterns - because the pattern are - something that - happens repeatedly under different circumstances and situations and without pressure.
In this article - although I am giving focus on relationships - BUT - most of the tips are also true for - whether to walk away from your profession, career, relocation etc. - you only have tweak the concepts to make it applicable and useful to that aspect of your life.
To recognize patterns - we have to fine-tune our 6th sense or intuition or gut feelings to very enhanced-levels.
The process of pattern recognition involves matching the conscious and sub-conscious subtle as well as gross inputs with our past experiences stored subconsciously.
All of us have patterns - which can be gauged by anyone who has trained, practiced and mastered this art of recognizing patterns.
Most of the people - who makes us uncomfortable - gives cues regularly - because of their dysfunctional mental-emotional core and their psychological-disorders
24 Situation, People and Things you must walk-away from
- 1.From arguments - when your EGO is urging you to stay and you want to prove that you are right and that others are wrong
- 2.From fake-friends - who are there because you help them accomplish their goals - but they don't add any value
- 3.From abusive-toxic- emotionally unstable partners
- 4.From relatives and friends - who just use you and ridicule you
- 5.People who just don't understand you
- 6.People who because of their own emotional-insecurities judge [and misjudge you]
- 7.All your dead relationships - where you are just going through the motions
- 8.From family members - who suck life out of you and only there to torment you
- 9.From jobs - which makes you a automaton - no learning and absolutely no growth
- 10. From bad-bosses
- 11. From situations which does not add any value to you
- 12. From your regrets-shames-embarrassment of the past
- 13. From the failures and mistakes - after correcting them
- 14. From your past hurts and traumas
- 15. From professions and careers for which you are totally misfit
- 16. From your self-sabotaging-beliefs and perceptions
- 17. Your dreams which are picked-up from others and your core revolts against these because these goals are actually pressurizing and suffocating - instead of inspiring and motivating
- 18. All behaviors and habits that reduces your self-worth, self-esteem, self-pride
- 19. From living a fake life - just to satisfy others
- 20. From tolerating and bearing with - injustice and your rights being compromised
- 21. Any promised-rewards - which makes you compromise with your values-principals-standards
- 22. Any business deal - which is tilted to one side only - their side
- 23. Negotiation which are not win-win - at least those which does not even meet your minimum basic requirements
- 24. All those people who use your simplicity and trust - to take advantage of you and to harm you
12 questions to ask yourself - if you are staying in a negative relationship - any of the following reasons [the more often than not could be wrong reasons to stay]
- 1.You feel you have invested too much of your effort-time-energy and sufferings
- 2.You are dependent on your partner financially
- 3.You have attached your happiness and self-worth to how your partner treats you
- 4.You are scared of being alone - as you have long since stopped having a social-life and social-support
- 5.You are afraid of being alone
- 6.You are waiting for things to change for the better - nothing changes automatically unless both the partners are interested and seek help in case they are unable to do it themselves although both want to make it work
- 7.You feel you won't be able to find another relationship
- 8.You feel what would others think
- 9.You feel children would devastated by this break
- 10. You don't know what to do
- 11. You are afraid to seek professional opinion
- 12. You are afraid to share your situation with your loved-ones as you have so far maintained all-is-well
46 patterns When Walking Away is the best and absolutely right decision and action to take - if you recognize even 5 of them happening regularly - be alert and on your guard [UNLESS it is an abusive-toxic relationship - in which case you must leave immediately]
- 1.You don't even recognize who you have become
- 2.You are always confused as what to do and what not to do - so as not to make other person mad
- 3.You are always concerned about making your partner happy - with no thought about your happiness
- 4.When you are constantly being pressurized to conform to the wishes of your partner
- 5.Your partner does not accept and love you for who you are - and are constantly forcing to change you
- 6.When your whole-being is shouting - for you to get out of this relationship - your intuition and gut tells you the best thing even if you can't quite put your finger on what it is
- 7.You seems to be going Through the Motions - without any excitement
- 8.You feel total lack of mental-emotional-physical connect and bonding
- 9.You feel disrespected most of the time
- 10. Your opinion are not valued - instead they are ridiculed
- 11. Your suggestions are not welcomed
- 12. You are not included in many major decision making - even though it impact you
- 13. Boundaries of decencies are ignored and crossed by your partner regularly
- 14. You have to accept your partner's wishes all the time
- 15. There is Abuse of any kind - it could be Emotional or verbal abuse and does not have be physical or it could even be the sexual abuse [ as being married does not give your partner the privilege to ignore your consent or lack of it]
- 16. You find that you can't do what you want - meet the people who want to meet - go to the places you want to visit
- 17. Your movements are restricted
- 18. You feel that your partner is hiding and not being honest
- 19. You are unable to trust your partner
- 20. You are forced to act for the sake of showing to outsiders that all is great
- 21. You put a false front even - in front of say your closest people like your parents
- 22. Walk Away From The Person Who Confuses You - meaning you just can't seems to understand their moods - why they lose their cool even when you have not done anything
- 23. You are clinging on their one statement - that they might have made long-time back when they said they things are going to be fine - but you find it is actually getting worse
- 24. Walk away from the person who makes you feel special one day and totally worthless the next day.
- 25. This person is only using you to make their ex jealous
- 26. Walk away from the person who only calls you when they needs someone to stroke their ego.
- 27. Walk away from the person who only wants our attention instead of your love.
- 28. Walk away from the person who knows you want more than friendship but is still friend-zoning you
- 29. Walk away from the person who keeps telling you they are busy and that they have little time for you.
- 30. Walk away from the person who's not over their ex and is waiting and expecting their ex to come back
- 31. Walk away from the person ridicules your dreams and ambitions
- 32. Walk away from the person who is only interested in what you can do for them
- 33. Walk away from the person who keeps breaking your heart while pretending to be your 'best friend.'
- 34. Your partner enjoys making you jealous
- 35. Your partner's focus is on keeping you on your toes
- 36. Nothing that you do satisfy your partner
- 37. Your partner treats outsiders differently and with respect
- 38. Your partner treats you with respect onlyin social settings where his/her image is important
- 39. If your partner had other relationships that you know about - you may find that they were the victim in all of their past relationships.
- 40. If they constantly badmouth their exes and describe their past relationships as something that they were always wronged in
- 41. You are always the one doing the decoding, understanding, bending, and empathizing.
- 42. They are selfish and show very little interest in your life.
- 43. They get overly defensive about something very natural for you to ask - especially when your asking an innocent questions makes them make you feel crazy, immature, accusatory or "mean" for asking.
- 44. They lie compulsively
- 45. Their apologies mean nothing - are just sorry if they say that at all AND they won't be able to tell specifically what they are apologizing about
- 46. They always use a double standard - when you ask them they have a solid excuse - which makes you ever wanting to bring anything up to them again You feel that they are going to see the good in you or that you are doing so much for them - and you are hoping against hopes that they will soon recognize you for what you do and they will change and become so nice to you - but it never happens
To learn how to walk away from argument please read -
How to sharpen your 6th sense -
If you want to get out of a toxic relationship - please go through this preparation checklist -
How to physically move out of abusive relationship action-steps-
Types of toxic people you should get rid of immediately -
Signs that you are in a toxic relationship -