In this article we will learn
1. 37 Qualities of a confident man AND
2. 22 Signs of a Confident Women AND
3. 10 things that Confident & Classy Women Would Never do
37 Qualities of a confident man
Check-list to know if you are a confident man – these can also be used to create a plan on how you can be a confident MAN
37 Qualities of a confident man
- They Apologize when wrong
- They Expresses what they feel honestly without fear and anxiety
- They Honor their words and commitments
- They Never steps on others OR pull others down - to climb high socially, professionally or otherwise
- They display the traits of gentlemen – politeness, respect and attention
- They Take responsibility for their actions
- They don’t Blames – when things go wrong and they are party to it
- They Take initiatives – without being asked
- They never take advantage of people who are weaker and helpless
- They always Stand up for their values
- They Smile and greet others
- They Get excited to meet new people and personalities
- They are generally straight-forward, Open and Direct while Communicating
- They are always Assertive and Never aggressive
- They are comfortable with disagreeing with majority opinion
- They neither starts an argument nor participate in one
- They Enjoy going on adventures and trying new things
- They Never feels the need to have the limelight or attention on themselves
- They are proud of what they are - but they do not unnecessarily about themselves
- They Maintain eye contact when talking
- They enjoy Making the tough decisions when need arises
- They always Respects others
- They avoid jumping to conclusions and making unwarranted assumptions
- They are Open-minded about new ideas and gives new concepts chance
- They Accept and Enjoy challenges
- They don’t feel jealous of others
- They never have a need to control others by dominating or aggression
- They don’t try to please others
- They feel happy with other’s happiness as well as other’s successes and accomplishments
- They have fine sense of humor and know how to make people laugh
- They always stand-up for those closest to him
- They with purposely Break their comfort zone on a regular basis
- They always try to Encourage others make them motivated to succeed and are excited for other’s accomplishments
- They never try to manipulate or take advantage of others
- They Understands and practices social etiquette and good manners
- They Accept criticism and never take things personally
- They are perfectly comfortable and happy with themselves and enjoys their own company
22 Signs of a Confident Women and 10 things that Confident & Classy Women Would Never do
How to know if you are a Confident Woman Or if you are dealing with one – In addition to many of the relevant Qualities of Men [as given in my another blog with this title]
- They Use their body language in the classiest way to carry themselves elegantly
- They Make eye contact while conversing
- They Show enthusiasm and interest while conversation
- They Smile appropriately
- They Use gestures in classy manner
- They are relaxed and Make others feel at ease with them
- They don't worry about whether others likes them or not
- They set healthy boundaries
- They have full confidence in themselves
- They're do not seek reassurances, validations, approval, appreciation from others
- They chose their companions and social as well as professional circles wisely
- They don't necessarily need a man to feel secured
- They are easier to open up
- They support instead of compare
- They say 'yes' only when they really means it
- They understand that confidence is far more than appearance, but uses the power of her 'classy dressing
- They listen with complete attention
- They don't conform to the stereotypes
- They ask for help when they need it
- They don't fake it and are authentic
- They can say no – when they want it in a respectful ways
- They use classy words and communicates in a professional manner
10 things that Confident & Classy Women Would Never do
- They don't gossip
- They don't doubt themselves
- They create their own trends by not following what is vogue
- They never compromise with their self-care
- They don't try to please people
- They don't cave-in to peer pressure
- They don't make impulsive choices
- They don't ignore their instincts
- They don't get driven by the need to be popular
- They don't deny themselves their needs to have space, to indulge and to sale-care
#SignsofConfidentWomen, #ThingsConfidentClassyWomenNeverDo,#HowToKnowIfYouAreConfidentWoman, #carrythemselveselegantly#Makeothersfeelateasewiththem, #sethealthyboundaries, #donotseekassurancesvalidationsapprovalfromothers,#donotconformtothestereotypes, #don'tfakeandareauthentic, #cansaynowhendon’twantanything
SignsofConfidentWomen, thingsConfidentClassyWomenNeverDo, HowToKnowIfYouAreConfidentWoman, carrythemselveselegantlyMakeothersfeelateasewiththem, sethealthyboundaries, donotseekassurancesvalidationsapprovalfromothers, donotconformtothestereotypes, don'tfakeandareauthentic, cansaynowhendon’twantanything#Qualitiesofconfidentmen, #Expresseswhattheyfeelhonestly, #Standupfortheirvalues, #Expresseswhattheyfeelhonestlywithoutfearandanxiety, #Takeresponsibilityfortheiractions, #don’tBlamewhenthingsgowrong, #Apologizewhenwrong, #arecomfortablewithdisagreeingwithmajority #enjoytheirowncompany
Qualitiesofconfidentmen, Expresseswhattheyfeelhonestly, Standupfortheirvalues, Expresseswhattheyfeelhonestlywithoutfearandanxiety, Takeresponsibilityfortheiractions, don’tBlamewhenthingsgowrong, Apologizewhenwrong, arecomfortablewithdisagreeingwithmajority enjoytheirowncompany