Why my girlfriend won't have sex with me
- 1.Maybe your girlfriend feels that she is being used, meaning she is just a time-pass or sex toy
- 2.You do not respect her for who she is as a person
- 3.You do not show same affection you used to do earlier
- 4.You are not paying attention to her enough
- 5.She senses that you are cheating on her
- 6.You are only concerned about yourself & are being selfish
- 7.You only talk about yourself
- 8.You are committed enough
- 9.You avoid giving a firm answers when she ask about her future with you
- 10.She is looking for a break-up
- 11.She is cheating on you
- 12.She feels that you don't find her attractive enough
- 13.She herself does not feel sexy herself
- 14.She might be battling some stress
- 15.She is bored with you & in bed
- 16.There's something else going on in her world that is distracting her
- 17.You are not putting enough efforts
- 18.You may be smell badly
- 19.You maybe putting her of with your nastiness