Once you have prepared yourself mentally, emotionally and physically – along with creating the needed resources and infrastructure – you are ready to announce and physically either move out OR make them leave your place. Here we are talking about a situation where you are moving out.
Please note that – all the while you are making your preparations – don't let them know about plans in any circumstance - Your announcement should come as total surprise.
15 Tips on how to physically Move toxic people Out of your life
1. Get a safe-house ready to shift to- 2.Get your well-wishers informed and physically present when you are planning to leave them
- 3.Get the law on your side by taking their help – if that is possible
- 4.Prepare to just walk away – after confronting with these toxic people
- 5.Prepare a very short-speech – rehearse it before hand – look in their eyes – deliver your script and walk out
- 6.Be prepared that – there could be – very embarrassing drama – when you leave
- 7.After you have left – change your phone numbers, block them on social media
- 8.Let everyone from their side know that WHY you have left this person AND that you have left them
- 9.Give your numbers and contact details to a very few people
- 10.Go for a long break and vacation – if that is possible
- 11.Slowly get back into routine ASAP
- 12.Identify new interests, hobbies, friends, social and professional circles – and become actively engaged in these
- 13.Learn something new
- 14.Learn about how to handle breakups and dealing with the pain and moving on after break up in our future videos
- 15.Seek the help of therapist – if you are unable to cope on own with your loved ones
#Donotexpectapologyfromtoxicperson, #It'snotyourjobtochangeanyperson, #Replacenegativehabitswithhealthyhabits, #Learntohandleregrets, #Learntoletgo, #Workonyourselfesteem, #don'tgetintoinreboundrelationship, #Learnhowtohandlebreakups, #Learnhowtodealwithpain, #Learnhowtomoveonafterbreakup
Donotexpectapologyfromtoxicperson, It'snotyourjobtochangeanyperson, Replacenegativehabitswithhealthyhabits, Learntohandleregrets, Learntoletgo, Workonyourselfesteem, don'tgetintoinreboundrelationship, Learnhowtohandlebreakups, Learnhowtodealwithpain, Learnhowtomoveonafterbreakup