To Be Happy, To Feel worthy, To Feel Good About Ourselves - We all need to set Healthy Emotional Boundaries in All Our Relationships - there are some boundaries which work and others which are not effective
These 13 Emotional Boundaries which won't work
- 1.Boundaries that often fail are those that include the words - always, never or any other absolute terminology – examples - you can never or you must always
- 2.Conditional boundaries – if you don't do this – you won't get that
- 3.Vague boundaries – like don't spend a lot of money this
- 4.Expecting your partner to know your boundaries – without sharing these with them
- 5.Language which can make your partner defensive
- 6.When you are always ordering or telling them what to do
- 7.When you use warnings about the consequences
- 8.When you bring up the past of what wrong they did
- 9.When you give them solutions – without being asked
- 10.When you preach - about what people should and should not do
- 11.When you only criticize
- 12.When you start mind-reading and guessing AND assume that to be the truth without verifying
- 13.When you make them feel guilty
#EmotionalBoundariesWhichDon'tWork, #EmotionalBoundariesThatFails, #ConditionalEmotionalBoundaries, #VagueEmotionalBoundaries, #ExpectingYourPartnerToKnowYourBoundaries, #LanguageWhichMakesPeopleDefensive, #WarningAboutConsequences, #WhenYouPreach, #WhenYouOnlyCriticize, #WhenYouStartMindReading, #WhenYouMakeThemFeelGuilty