10 Types of violations, abuse and crossing of boundaries – those take place in our life on regular basis.
- 1.Physical
- 2.Sexual
- 3.Verbal
- 4.Psychological
- 5.Emotional
- 6.Social
- 7.Financial
- 8.Spiritual
- 9.Mental
- 10.Any combination of all above
These directly impact our well-being, self-esteem, our relationships, our success, our happiness, our peace of mind, our growth etc. etc.
24 Examples of psychological, emotional violations and abuse
- 1.Using what you told them in confidence to hurt you
- 2.To make you feel bad
- 3.To take advantage of your weakness, kindness, ignorance, at times when you are most vulnerable
- 4.Lying to you purposely
- 5.Making false promises with the knowledge that they are not going to keep
- 6.Criticizing you to make you feel horrible
- 7.Demeaning you
- 8.Putting you down
- 9.Insulting you
- 10.Blaming you for everything that has gone wrong – even for their faults and mistakes
- 11.Projecting their weaknesses, lacunas, insecurities - on you
- 12.Manipulating you using your weaknesses and sore points
- 13.Emotional or other ways - Blackmailing you into doing something you would not do
- 14.Judging you constantly
- 15.Comparing you with others all the time
- 16.Making fun of you with the intention of hurting you – both when you two are together and in public
- 17.Playing victim - even though it is they who are taking advantage of you
- 18.Bullying you
- 19.Making you feel guilty or responsible for their failures and unhappiness and their condition – even though you don't have any role in that
- 20.Playing superior
- 21.Making excessive and unnecessary demands on your time, energy, finances, resources and any other way
- 22.Making you put your needs in the backstage -by continuous harping of their agenda and that their needs, wants,thoughts and beliefs are superior and more important than yours
- 23.Ignoring and downplaying your major accomplishments as if it is no big deal
- 24.Making you recognize their insignificant act as huge milestones and achievements
#TypesofPersonalBoundariesviolations, #howpeoplecrossourboundaries, #Examplesofpsychologicalemotionalviolations, #Makingfalsepromises, #Criticizingwithpurposetomakeyoufeelhorrible, #Projectingandinsecuritiesonothers, #manipulatingyouEmotionally, #emotionalBlackmail, #stopJudgingothers, #nevercompareyourselfwithothers, #makingfunofyoutohurtyou, #Playingvictimtotakeadvantageofyou, #Makeyoufeelguilty, #Ignoringanddownplayingyouraccomplishments