11 Glittering Signs FOMO Is Ruining Your Dating Life and Relationships
- 1.Because we are connected with thousands of people through social media and see their ever being happy and successful - When we come across a person whom we like – we find that this liking lasts only for very small time as when we see that he or she does not have many qualities that many of our other options have.
- 2.As we believe in perfect life, perfect relationship and perfect soul mate, we don't want to make mistakes in choosing the wrong ones as "We only live once".
- 3.Therefore we keep on constant lookout for the perfect person and are terrified of settling with the one we are dating right now.
- 4.This becomes the ultimate paradox of choice - Because of perfectness of our perception of our ideal partner, we have very high unrealistic expectations - even though we ourselves might have lots of lacunas
- 5.Because one person cannot satisfy you entire portfolio of needs and we look out for a better fit, we miss out on cultivating relationships with fine people - with whom we are connected – many times because they are not glamorous enough
- 6.Because the world is moving at a breakneck speed - we may come across people with mind-boggling connection and then we choose that person as our soul mate in no time
- 7.Later we realize on seeing their faults to which we were wearing blinkers, that we have made the wrong choice
- 8.Many times as we expect our perfect and ideal soul mate to appear from nowhere - we date just to fulfill our temporary needs and to pass time till that moment of connecting with the best person arrives.
- 9.Because of the above points, we always find our exes better than our current ones.
- 10.That is why many of us maintain relationship with our ex in case the current ones does not work out – so that we may go back to our ex.
- 11.We start projecting our insecurities on our partners - without making efforts to identify, understand and work on to address and cure our own faults
PLEASE READ - about FOMO - and how it destroys our peace, happiness and relationship in this blog
#GlitteringSignsFOMORuiningYourRelationships, #SignsFOMORuiningYourromanticlife, #fomomakesusbelieveinperfectlife, #fomomakesusbelieveinperfectlifepartners, #wedon'twanttomakemistakeofchoosingwrongpartner, #ourperceptionofperfectnessmakesexpectationsunrealistic, #wefindourexbetterthanourcurrentpartner, #weprojectourinsecuritiesonourpartner