33 Signs of a Real Man
The Real Men are different from the images projected by the movies and TV serials. Learn How can you become one.
A Real Man can be recognized by
- 1.He never whine
- 2.He takes actions on what is within his control and doesn't worry about those which he can't control.
- 3.He is a secure person
- 4.He never tries to be someone else
- 5.He has very strong personal values and never cheats anyone
- 6.He always takes personal responsibility and never blames anyone else
- 7.He never complains instead he negotiates for the results he wants
- 8.He succeeds by his own efforts and not by making other fail or by suppressing others
- 9.He appreciates the success and qualities of others without being jealous.
- 10.He never gives up on himself, his values and the people he cares for
- 11.He does not take advantage of other's weaknesses
- 12.He stands up for others who are helpless
- 13.He never judges
- 14.He never lets anyone dis-respect him nor lets anyone takes away his rights
- 15.He enjoys healthy competition
- 16.He does not sorry for himself but instead takes actions to get out of jams
- 17.He is honest with himself as well as with the circumstances.
- 18.He can accept criticism and face the reality
- 19.He never runs away from failures or challenges instead he faces them
- 20.He never envy another's success, rather he helps others to succeed
- 21.He never shows off
- 22.He al always evolving himself by learning
- 23.He risks his everything for what he cares
- 24.He is not afraid to stick his neck out and never likes to remain in his comfort zone
- 25.He doesn't look for a fight. He only fights if it's justified and necessary.
- 26.He never leaves those who depend on him in distress
- 27.He always takes care of his dependents
- 28.He leads by example
- 29.He does not regret his mistakes, he accepts them and learns how to utilize the lessons for his future best
- 30.He does was he believes is right and does not focuses on being popular
- 31.He apologizes when he makes mistakes or when he is wrong
- 32.He never make excuses
- 33.He never blames others for bad choices and decisions and actions that he has taken
#SignsofRealMan, #neverwhines, #takesactionswithinowncontrol, #havestrongpersonalvalues, #recognizesandappreciatessuccessandqualitiesofothers, #nevergivesuponhimself, #neverfeelssorryforself, onlyfightwhenit'sjustifiedandnecessary, #neverleavesthosewhodependindistress, #doesnotfocusonbeingpopular
SignsofRealMan, neverwhines, takesactionswithinowncontrol, havestrongpersonalvalues, recognizesandappreciatessuccessandqualitiesofothers, nevergivesuponhimself, neverfeelssorryforself, onlyfightwhenit'sjustifiedandnecessary, neverleavesthosewhodependindistress, doesnotfocusonbeingpopular