Types of Mental, Emotional and Physical Abuse and Violations of Boundaries
15 Examples of physical violation
- 1.Touching you inappropriately - without your permission especially with sexual intent
- 2.Sexual references related with you
- 3.Forcing you to entertain and have physical relationship with others
- 4.Vulgar gestures and overtures
- 5.Sharing too personal things with others - without your permission
- 6.Physical abuse and violence
- 7.Cheating with you [this can also come under psychological, mental, physical violations]
- 8.Denying you your rights [this can also come under psychological, mental, physical violations]
- 9.Keeping you confined physically
- 10.Restricting your movement
- 11.Restricting Your Social interactions
- 12.Restricting with whom in your family you maintain relationship
- 13.Restricting – who can come to your house
- 14.Restricting whose house you may visit
- 15.Using various ways to torture and inflict pain on you physically
6 Examples of mental violation
- 1.Suspicion and doubting you all the time
- 2.Violating your privacy by checking your mails and messages etc.
- 3.Forcing you to follow their orders – however demeaning and irrational it might be
- 4.Threatening, yelling, screaming for no reason - especially when they themselves are at fault
- 5.Name calling
- 6.Provoking you to react – by doing things that they know – will trigger reactions in you
7 Examples of verbal violation
- 1.Not allowing you to speak or be heard
- 2.If you speak continuously interrupt
- 3.The points you make – mock at them – by devaluing their relevance and quality
- 4.Using the word – shut-up in public
- 5.Pulling you down – if you have made one slight mistake in grammar, pronunciation etc. etc.
- 6.Saying things that are derogatory behind your back
- 7.Creating negative impressions about your character and integrity through gossiping and spreading rumors
#ExamplesOfPhysicalViolation, #TouchingYouInappropriately, #TouchingYouWithSexualIntentWithoutConsent, #SexualReferencesRelatedToYou, #SharingYourConfidentialInformation, #PhysicalAbuseAndVoilence, #DenyingYourBasicRights, #RestrictingYourPhysicalMovements, #RestrictingYourSocialInteractions, #RestrictingYourSocialRelationships, #ExamplesOfMentalEmotionalViolations, #SuspicionAndDoubtingYou, #ThreateningYellingScreamingAtYou, #InsultingYouInPublic