18 Types of relationships – where we need to set healthy boundaries
In broader terms we have 18 relationships – where we need to identify and set healthy – physical, emotional and other boundaries – to live a contended and happy life
- 1.With ourselves
- I.What we will accept from others and what we won't from others
- II.What are our core values – and which of these are completely non-negotiable
- III.What is our benchmark of excellence
- IV.When is the time we will get out of a relationship
- V.What is acceptable to us as healthy humor and joke – from others
- VI.How we will handle – put-downs, insults, sarcasms etc. etc.
- 2.Marital
- 3.With our dating, romantic, live-in, casual, extra-marital - partner
- 4.With Our Ex
- 5.Our all business and professional relationships - colleagues, senior, junior, peer, vendors, suppliers
- 6.Our customers
- 7.With Our Parents
- 8.With our Children
- 9.With Our Siblings
- 10.Our in-laws
- 11.With essential professional like our doctor, our lawyer, our accountant, our priest
- 12.Our House Help
- 13.Our Service Providers
- 14.Our Friends
- 15.Our social network
- 16.Our Teachers, Our student, our mentors, our coach
- 17.Strangers and say public
- 18.Authority figures and very powerful people, and people with fearful powers [like dictators, criminals, corrupt persons] - Politicians, high ranking bureaucrat ,police officers] personalities
#Typesofrelationshipswhichneedshealthyboundaries, #Typesofdysfunctionalrelationships, #HowTohandleputdownsinsults, #handlingauthorityfigurespowerfulpersonalities