24 Types of Toxic People You Should Just Get Rid Of Immediately
- 1.Those Who Spread Negativity through being angry, resentful and unhappy, complaining 24/7
- 2.Those Who Criticize You All The Time or most of the time
- 3.Those who take advantage of you all the time or most of the time
- 4.Those Who Waste Your Time - with the sole purpose of making you lose or fail
- 5.Those Who abuse you verbally and or physically
- 6.Those Who Are very Jealous of you
- 7.Those who compete with you even though there is not competition
- 8.Those Who always Play The Victim
- 9.Those who never take responsibility
- 10.Those who hold onto old grudges
- 11.Those who create grudges out of innocent remarks, gestures and actions of yours
- 12.Those who always try to argue or make you get into arguments
- 13.Those who always feel sorry for themselves
- 14.Those who use all the tactics to manipulate you into doing things that you feel bad about
- 15.Those Who Don't Care for you at all
- 16.Those Who Are only focused on ONLY their own agendas
- 17.Those Who never Keep their promise
- 18.Those who keep Disappointing You
- 19.Those who always try to control you
- 20.Those who disregard your boundaries
- 21.Those who only take-take-take from you without giving
- 22.Those who always try to prove that they are always right
- 23.Those who are people are never honest with you
- 24.Those who display a white-rage – which makes you scared about your own safety and that of your say children and dependents
#TypesOfToxicPeople,#TypesOfToxicPeopleShouldGetRidOf, #PeopleWhoAreAngryResentfulUnhappyComplaining,#WhoCriticizeYouAllTime, #whotakeadvantageofyou, #WhoAbuseYouVerballyAndPhysically, #WhoPlayVictim, #whoholdgrudges, #whomanipulateyou, #whotrytocontrolyou
TypesOfToxicPeople, TypesOfToxicPeopleShouldGetRidOf, WhoAreAngryResentfulUnhappyComplaining,WhoCriticizeYouAllTime, whotakeadvantageofyou, WhoAbuseYouVerballyAndPhysically, WhoPlayVictim, whoholdgrudges, whomanipulateyou, whotrytocontrolyou