Understanding why women choose a particular type and reject the other the type they fall for
In this article we will learn
- 1.The 3 Types of Men
- 2.Understand the female psychology – why they choose a particular type and reject the other and which type they fall for
- 3.15 insights to understand it from the perspective of females - The paradox of what female wants and desires [when you ask them what they want in their man] vs. Whom they actually fall for
Understanding The Basics about male and female relationships - The paradox of what female wants and desires [when you ask them what they want in their man] vs. Whom they actually fall for especially for short fling
You will have to accept these three things
- 1.The rules of attraction and dating have NOT changed. They are still the same as before
- 2.Women are still attracted to the same things they were attracted to before. And men are still attracted to the same things they were attracted to before
- 3.The attraction triggers are still the same as before
But why we have forgotten these fundamental human laws – it is because of these 7 reasons
- I.Because of increasing divorce rates and many men growing under a single mother never have a male model to teach
- II.Now a days we miss out the wisdom and exposure of growing up with our grand-parents
- III.The media's projection of women in advertisement, movies and soap-operas - in a distorted-light and most of the male psyche is getting impacted wrongly by that – this is happening because of FEMALES being a very large market and being a major buying-influence projecting Religious programing also playing havoc with our perception
- IV.Men, women- most of us are confused these days.
- V.Men don't know how to behave with women anymore.
- VI.But it is not better for women either - They have another problem - They don't know consciously what they want in a man anymore.
15 insights to understand it from the perspective of females - The paradox of what female wants and desires [when you ask them what they want in their man] vs. Whom they actually fall for and the 3 Types of men if they can be categorized in this manner
- I.A wise person propagates that to "Never listen to what women says they want in a man. Look at who they're sleeping with instead" – you need to objectively check this out through your own experience for the validity of this axiom
- II.The men - women are sexually attracted to – are those types – who know how to trigger desire in women.
- III.These men manage this feat by being indifferent to a woman's opinion of them and by living their life on their own terms.
- IV.These men are the males who have mastered the art of creating irresistible physical chemistry with multiple women
- V.But the biggest paradox is that even though the women fall for these men - they do not feel secure with these men.
- VI.These men may not agree on many things that their women says – because of this the women starts feeling sub-consciously that he is a strong man with his own opinions
- VII.As a result, their relationships tend to be hot and volatile and many times temporary – we can call these men the Bad-boys or jerks
- VIII.There is another category of men – let us call them Beta-men – these are completely different from the above category
- IX.These beta-men make women feel emotionally secure around them.
- X.They know how to trigger comfort in women - They could be the successful guys who really try to make the women in their lives happy.
- XI.But women do not get very turned on sexually and fantasy-wise the nice-guys - and that is the reason Women make them wait for physical intimacy
- XII.Unfortunately - women often take these guys for granted and get bored in their relationships because the relationship with Beta's are dull and unappealing romantically - even though the Beta creates a safe, stable dynamic environment for women.
- XIII.Women want comfort and fulfillment of their desire at the same time. So while the bad-boys certainly sounds better than Beta - in truth, neither one is the ideal
- XIV.The jerk gets laid but lacks the ability to keep women in his life long term - The Beta has the opposite problem of not getting laid often but may have a relationship for long term
- XV.Unfortunately most men these days behave like wimps – because of their own insecurities. The moment they meet a woman they like, they go into "agreement mode". They agree with everything she says, and what's worse, they even change their opinions to match hers – and a result women rejects them – this is the 3rd category of men BUT this is the subject of another article and video]
#Understandingwhywomenchooseaparticularman, #TypesofMen, #typesofmenwomenreject, #typesofmenwomenfallfor, #Understandingfemalepsychology, #understandfromperspectiveoffemales, #paradoxofwhatwomenwantandsaytheywant, #femalewantsanddesires, #masteredtheartofcreatingirresistiblephysicalchemistry, #womendonotgetturnedonsexuallywiththesemen, #menbehavelikewimps