Bouncing back to life with zeal after a Bad Date
All our dates begins with excitements, hopes of thrill & fun.
Some first date do go this way.
But some dates becomes either of or some of the combination of the following
- 1.Boring
- 2.One sided conversation
- 3.Disgusting
- 4.Very annoying
- 5.Embarrassing
- 6.Hurting
- 7.Insulting
- 8.A fighting or Argument duet
- 9.Maybe a molesting or frightful experience
- 10.A disaster
So how do you bounce back from a dissatisfying date
- 1.Identify what all went wrong
- I.Your date came late
- II.Your date came late but instead of being apologetic he/she was full of himself/herself
- III.One or both of you were off-mood
- IV.One or both of you had bad experience that day or immediately before
- V.Both of you or one of you was uncomfortable with each other
- VI.It was a one sided conversation
- VII.Both of you or one of you realized there is a compatibility issue
- VIII.You felt your date was over demanding
- IX.You felt your date was trying to force you into doing things you were not comfortable with
- X.Your date made jokes about your looks, clothes, background
- XI.Your date had very negative pre-conceived opinion about you
- XII.List any other thing which made the date bad
- 2.Find out whether it was something to do with you or your date
- 3.Identify whether it was compatibility issue, thank God for that
- 4.Identify whether it was a values issue, thank God for that
- 5.Take responsibility for your part, Apologize if you need to
- 6.If it was the anxiety, shyness, pressure or similar issue, do not give up on your date
- 7.If you feel that the relationship has silver lining, despite being a dissatisfying encounter, give it another try
- 8.Don't take it personally, if your date do not responds to your texts, calls & messages
- 9.Even if it was a failure, take time & start dating again to find your that special someone