What every man wants in his woman
- 1.A women who teases
- 2.A woman who is witty
- 3.A women who understand intelligent jokes
- 4.A woman who has style, class & sass and off course ass
- 5.A playful woman
- 6.A woman who can talk meaningful
- 7.A woman who will flirt with him constantly
- 8.A woman who cares for him
- 9.A woman who encourages him in his dreams
- 10.A women who admires his qualities
- 11.A woman who is confident
- 12.A woman who is independent
- 13.A woman who is emotionally mature
- 14.A woman who takes real interest in him, in his family & what he likes
- 15.A woman who is successful
- 16.A woman whom inspires & challenges him
- 17.A woman who can talk dirty as well as talk meaningful
- 18.A woman who pays attention to her man's need
- 19.A woman who loves romance & love making
- 20.A woman who gives space to him
- 21.A woman who loves spending time with him doing quality activities & things
- 22.A woman who is crazy about him, in a normal way not psychologically
- 23.A woman who is a great support
- 24.A woman who tells him the truth