By Subhashis on Sunday, 30 August 2020
Category: Uncategorized

How to get yourself in the right mental and emotional mindset before removing toxic people from your life

68 tips on How to get yourself in the right mental and emotional mindset before removing toxic people from your life

Getting someone with whom you have formed deep attachment – is not only difficult and painful BUT also going to take lot of time for you to overcome the grief, the pain, the regret, the sadness, the trauma and the attachment – EMOTIONALLY – even after you have managed to cut the physical ties that is why the following points have Action Steps to create the right understanding and accepting few Truths to create a mindset for getting-over and moving on

#Don'tExpectThemToChange, #LearnAndPracticeAssertiveness, #EstablishAndMaintainClearBoundaries, #OvercomeGriefPainRegretAndSadness, #youarenotdealingwithgenuinepersonindistress, #trytoexploityourflawsweaknesses, #immediatelyacceptyourweaknessesandmistakes

Don'tExpectThemToChange, LearnAndPracticeAssertiveness, EstablishAndMaintainClearBoundaries, OvercomeGriefPainRegretAndSadness, youarenotdealingwithgenuinepersonindistress, trytoexploityourflawsweaknesses, immediatelyacceptyourweaknessesandmistakes

#ToxicPeopleAreManipulativeAndSelfish, #ItIsNotYourShitItIsTheirShit, #OftenThrowTantrums, #tocontrolandmanipulateyou, #IDENTIFYtheirTOXICITY, #aredifficulttoplease, #DON'TBETOONICEtotoxicperson, #It'snotyourjobtochangeanyperson, #Learntohandleregrets, #Learntoletgo, #Workonyourselfesteem, #don'tgetintoinreboundrelationship

toxicpeoplearemanipulativeandselfish, itnotyourshititistheirshit, oftenthrowtantrums, tocontrolandmanipulateyou, IDENTIFYtheirTOXICITY, aredifficulttoplease, DON'TBETOONICEtotoxicperson 

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