By Subhashis on Wednesday, 06 September 2017
Category: Recipes For Happy Couples

Are your unrealistic expectations killing relationship

Are your unrealistic expectations killing relationship

If you feel that your needs aren't being met from your relationship, then it is a warning sign.

It's unrealistic to expect all of your needs to be met by your relationship or marriage. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and resentment.

What are unrealistic expectations

1.If you are overly dependent on your partner for your happiness by his/her doing things as per your expectations, it would certainly lead to relationship & marriage problems.

2.If you find yourself always blaming your partner for the wrongs in your relationship, it is very unrealistic

3.If you are overly possessive of your partner & want to heard all his/her attention, time, and meeting only your desires, it is unrealistic

4.If you only want your partner to support you, motivate you, help you in achieving your dreams, without your doing the same for them, then it is unrealistic

5.If you only expect him/her to make the relationship better, it is unrealistic

6.You have not expressed your expectations from him/her & yet you expect them to read your mind and do what you want, it is unrealistic

7.If you never listen & try to understand your partner & he/she expresses their dis-satisfaction or complains and you become mad at him/her, it is unrealistic

8.If you do not recognize the effort put in by him/her but expect your partner to recognize all your efforts, then it is unrealistic

9.If you continuously criticize him/her but expect him/her to always appreciate you, recognize you & praise you, then it is unrealistic

10.If you have not been healed from your previous relationship or any other trauma & make him/her your scapegoat for your stress, it is unrealistic

11. If every time you talk, you only go on attack mode, blame mode, threat mode & you expect your partner to keep cool, it is unrealistic

12.If you cannot have discussions over disagreements on Sexual Issue, financial issues, Issues of who will do what, and want to have it your way, it is unrealistic

13.If you make mistakes & expect him/her to apologize, it is unrealistic

14.If you don't listen, but expect him/her to listen all the time it is unrealistic

15.If you avoid taking out your concerns openly & have discussions but bring them out in ever discussions, it is unrealistic

16.If you always make judgment, doubt & have suspicion on your partner's actions, words & feelings, then it is unrealistic

Ideally both of should support each other emotionally, physically, mentally, financially, socially and helping out in chores.

But if it is not happening this way the following may be the cause

1.If your partner appears unable to help and/or support you, then it may be that your partner's is going through adverse situations & problems personally, emotionally, mentally, financially, professionally. Try not to judge them especially If this is out of character for them

2.It could also be due to your being & feeling stressed , you may assume that your partner is being difficult for you

3.It could also due to the fact of your behavior being interpreted by your partner as your being stressed or angry

4.There could be psychological reasons in either of you

It's not so much what happens to you, but how you deal with it that makes the difference. If you are unable to do it on your own, please get professional help or support from your most caring & mature mentors.

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