By Subhashis on Thursday, 07 September 2017
Category: Why Break Ups Happens

What to do when your relationship is breaking down

 What to do when your relationship is breaking down

When you begin Your relationship,both of you were so excited, full of future possibilities.

It went on nicely for some time.

Then slowly an argument, a quarrel, a dispute & a disagreement started taking now & then.

Now a days every time you talk it leads to fights making both of you tense.

Sometimes you wonder how you did not see these signs earlier. Why you made the wrong choice.

The situation has turned into one where either of you may be thinking of going your separate ways.

Or the relationship does not have any fire left. Your physical chemistry also have gone down drastically.

In this type of situation check the following to confirm your lingering doubts, especially when you see the sparks fading away, the bonds becoming loser, the relationship looks like dissolving

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