By Subhashis on Monday, 07 September 2020
Category: Uncategorized

Are You emotionally dependent on others for happiness and self-worth

10 point Checklist –Whether you are emotionally dependent on others for Your Happiness, Feeling Good About Yourself, Feeling Worthy etc. etc.

The big codependency pit-fall.

It is considered being weak psychologically - if you make your happiness, your success, your self-worth dependent on others – that is you are constantly worried and concerned about - what others say,do,feel about you

10 point Checklist -To check if you are emotionally dependent on others - Ask yourself

#AreYouEmotionallyDependent, #DoYouDepenOnOthersForHappines, #DoYouFeelWorthy, #emotionaldependencyonothersmakesyouweak, #DoYouFeelCompelledToSolveProblem, #canyouexpressyourself, #doyougetangeryaboutinjustices, #Doyoufeelinsecure, #Doyoufeelemptywithin, #Doyoustayinabusiverelationships, #doyougiveintoothers 

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