By Subhashis on Tuesday, 05 September 2017
Category: Moving On After The Break Up

Getting over a breakup with someone you love

Getting over a breakup with someone you love

Getting over a breakup with someone you love cannot be easy, it is going to pain like hell & you are going to miss that person like crazy.

There's no two ways around it, breaking up means taking blows & punches to your emotional, physical, mental being.

Even if the relationship wasn't the best, splitting up with a partner dramatically alters your day-to-day life and has very heavy emotional repercussions

Lets first cover what you should not do


1. Pretend you're fine 
2. Try to be "just friends"
3. Seek revenge 5. Communicate, In any format 
6. Beg for reconciliation 
7. Sleep together again 
8. Give up on your hopes, living life, dreaming, moving on


2. Give yourself time, give yourself the chance to process your emotions 
3. Cut off all contact, Avoid your ex 
4. Be brutally honest with yourself about the situation 
5. Look toward the future and don't look back 
6. Keep yourself busy in meaningful objectives & pursuits 
7. Don't force yourself into seeing someone else 9. Let yourself mourn, Cry/weep openly, Punch a pillow Express your grief

12. Identify Your Triggers which remind you of your ex & identify what you can do to either avoid them or how to handle them 

13. Remove all your memory attachment things & throw them in a trash can 

14. Clear Your Phone, get a new number if you can 

15. Get creative, learn to cook, garden, paint, play musical instrument 

16. Find New Entertainment 

17. Find new social/professional forums to join 

18. Write A bucket list & start taking interest and action in achieving them 

19. Exercise & learn to dance 

20. Become independent financially 

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