How to find if you are in love
If you are in love or infatuated or have a crush, the following symptoms can be there
- 1.You go to bed, dream about and wake up with the thought of your love
- 2.You check your messages first thing in the morning
- 3.Send lots of messages in the day
- 4.If you are talking with then, you don't want to get off from phone/skype etc
- 5.You blush every time your friends etc mentions him/her to you
- 6.You constantly try to impress her/him
- 7.Your emotions keep altering between the happiness of finding your love & the fear of losing him/her
- 8.You want to be in every part of his/her life
- 9.You want to be the best friend of your love
- 10.You want to do everything for him/her
- 11.You want to be part of his/her family
- 12.You can't wait to share you day with him/her
- 13.You feel so restless that you call him/her back every few minutes
- 14.You become anxious if he/she does not respond to you
- 15.You dream of a life with him/her
- 16.You plan your future with him/her
- 17.You do not mind few challenges as long as you feel you have his/her love & attention
- 18.You are bubbling with energy, enthusiasm & hopes
- 19.You feel that no scarifies that you need to make for him/her is too big