Happiness is an innate habit, nature and attitude. Our conditioning and running towards different and skewed priorities - makes us loose that gift that we were born with.
25 Thought Processes, Habits and Beliefs of Happy, Blissful and Confident people
- 1.Confident people find happiness within themselves
- 2.They find joy with their own accomplishments
- 3.Confident people are not afraid of being wrong
- 4.They do not berate themselves for making mistakes
- 5.They seek help when need
- 6.They are ok with not knowing everything and can admit it publicly
- 7.They are alright with learning from anyone
- 8.Confident people listen instead of talking more
- 9.They only compete with themselves
- 10.They don't have anything to prove to anyone
- 11.They keep working on themselves
- 12.They can say no to temptations
- 13.They don't judge others
- 14.They are aware about their rights & respects others rights as well
- 15.They are humble especially when they know something
- 16.They respect others because they respect themselves
- 17.They live life as per their own passions
- 18.They praise others
- 19.They give credit to others
- 20.They are happy with the success of others
- 21.They can take praise from other
- 22.When they are scared - they acknowledge their fears and yet go and take action to face their fears
- 23.They take calculated risk
- 24.They learn on continuous basis
- 25.They don't try to take false credit – because they know they are worthy so don't need the limelight
# HabitsandBeliefsofHappyBlissfulpeople, #findhappinesswithinthemselves, #findjoywithownaccomplishments, #notafraidofbeingwrong, #Confidentpeoplelisteninsteadoftalking, #don'thaveanythingtoprovetoanyone, #don'tjudgeothers, #respectothers, #respectthemselves, #arehappywithsuccessofothers
HabitsandBeliefsofHappyBlissfulpeople, findhappinesswithinthemselves, findjoywithownaccomplishments, notafraidofbeingwrong, Confidentpeoplelisteninsteadoftalking, don'thaveanythingtoprovetoanyone, don'tjudgeothers, respectothers, respectthemselves, arehappywithsuccessofothers